Home Guard Assembly Plant at planet III |
Okkamon is a 0.3 system in region Black Rise. It is 3 jumps from high sec, and 7 jumps from Jita, so a few market/fuel runs are in order. Okkamon is part of faction warfare, a few sites were triggered. The system is a bit of a crossroads between two low sec areas, but not much traffic that I saw. This system has a butt-load of towers.
I did not explore. Spent that time making Jita runs. Sold the following: 168 Melted Nanoribbons, 1020 Neural Network, 610 Sleeper Data Library, 41000 Fulleroferrocene, 1800 Lanthanum Metallofullerne, 9750 PPD Fullerene, and various other items. Total Revenue: 1.9 billion
Gate camp in Kedama when I was outgoing. And on the way back in Tama.
Jumps to previous exit in system Claini: 28
Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 3
Black Rise: 3
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 1
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 1
Molden Heath: 1
Solitude: 2
Repeat Exits
Zephan 1