Sunday, June 24, 2012

Three Times A Lady

Disclaimer: all monetary values are per my cargo hold's Priceline negotiator.

I employed the same exploration run three days in a row, and did so during what could be considered a busy time: Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. In all, my route includes 4 low sec systems and 6 high sec.

A radar site
First up was a 0.5 where I found 2 mag and 1 radar. The first mag yielded 198K, the second mag 367K, and the radar yielded 5.8 million. Many suggest you should ignore high sec mag sites, and with good reason, but mag sites are usually quick to find and so easy to run that I always work them. EVE can be a game of nickels and dimes while working towards larger denominations. It all adds up and I enjoy exploration.

In low sec, all 0.4 systems, I found two radar sites. The first yielded on 693K, the second 10.1 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC.

Back in high sec, a mix of 0.5 and 0.6 systems, I found a radar site that yielded 11.7 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC. Also found a 4/10 plex which dropped 20 million in faction loot, 3 million in bounties, and 5 million in salvage.

Can Opener working a mag site

On day two I worked a low sec mag site for 20.1 million, plus two T2 rig BPC's and 2.7 million in rat salvage. I worked a high sec plex (no DED rating). Lots of rats in lots of waves. 3 million in bounties, but 23.8 million in loot and salvage. Worked a high sec mag for 325K

A word on high sec hidden belts. Very often I find hidden belts that have been cherry picked, and it makes no sense to me. I will find a kernite/omber belt with no kernite remaining. I will find a hemorphite, jaspet, kernite belt with only kernite left. So, kernite is good enough to mine in one belt, but not the other? According to the accepted logic of exploration site spawning, you gotta work a site before it can respawn. These greedy little grubbers can't bother themselves with the lower end ore, so they leave it, and then the belt sits there for three more days. If they just pop the sucker then they are more likely to find it again!

Years old pic of a Retriever
I found an untouched high sec hidden belt with hemorphite, hedbergite, and kernite. I mined for 90 minutes which yielded 39 million. I did something in real life, and returned to find the belt gone, so someone worked it! Good for them. I found a kernite/omber belt with very little kernite left. I popped it. Took 25 minutes and yielded 7.6 million.

On day three I found only a low sec radar site for 9.2 million and a 10-run target breaker BPC. I did find a large hemorphite/jaspet/kernite belt, with only 2 kernite rocks remaining! Grrr. I did not pop this time.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Back to Empire (for my mains, anyway)

Fang flying

Nandeza is a 0.2 system in region Khanid, 9 jumps from high sec in two different directions. It is along a pipe and has a constant presence. For being in the boonies this area seems to have a good population. I scanned 8 systems and found 2 belts, 9 plexes, 1 mag, and 1 radar.

I moving my two mains out of the wormhole for a while. Spending time in empire building some stuff, and pursuing other activities, except this damn system is 30 jumps from anywhere!!

Jumps to previous exit in system Aurohunen: 34

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 6
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Popped and Podded

Zainou Biotech Prodcution at planet III with a customs office just 340km away.
Aurohunen is a 0.4 system in region Lonetrek, 1 jump from high sec. Being just 4 jumps from Jita there was a pretty constant presense in system. PvP and scanning. I did not scan.

I did make several trips to Jita and hauled in ice products for making fuel. The gate was always clear.

On the wormhole side of things I had two exits to Core systems. Normally, I would not work anons under such circumstances, but I felt like it and it was morning, so not as many online. I decided to work 4 anoms. During the fourth I saw a Devotor in d-scan but it was too late, he landed and bubbled up before I could warp out. He was followed by his buddies: 2 Talos, 1 Drake, and 1 Hurricane. My Drake and Harbinger lasted for a bit.

I refused ransom for a quick trip to empire. I was back in my wormhole about 30 minutes later and salvaged all four anoms, plus my two wrekcs, but they took most of my mods.

Jumps to previous exit in system Aldranette: 12

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aldranette (region Placid)

Fedmart Warehouse is the spec in the middle, at moon 1, planet IX
Aldranette is a 0.4 system in region Placid, 4 jumps from high sec. This is a crossroads of sorts but not many in local. I made a couple of trips to Jita and all the other low sec systems had many more in local. Although, at one point I saw 2 Comets and a Hookbill on d-scan. Think they were doing factional warefare.

I scanned only in Aldranette and found a gas site; no harvest.

I am almost certain this was the very first system in which I harvested gas. Late 2007 or early 2008. That was before region Black Rise opened up. Once that happened some jump gates were rearranged and changed up my exploration route in this area.

 Fedmart Warehouse at moon 1, planet IX

Jumps to previous exit in system Gallusiene: 11

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gallusiene (region Placid)

Gate to Avaux at Planet VII
Gallusiene is 0.3 system in region Placid, two jumps high sec. It is adjacent to a 5-system cluster that seems pretty good for some exploring. In my first swing through I scanned three systems and found 4 plexes, 1 belt, 1 gas site, 2 mag, and 1 radar.

I am embarressed to admit that I lost a Pilgrim in the radar site. I was playing around with the fit recently and just put an analyzer and salvager on there and went to work. I noticed the fit sucked for PVE, with my biggest problem being cap. The radar site spawned about 25 frigs and 8 cruisers, and I stayed too long. Boom, baby.
A few hours later I scanned six systems and worked three more radar sites.

Jumps to previous exit in system Turnur: 17

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 3
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Compete for 4/10 Plex

Republic Security Services Assemby Plant, moon 5, planet II
Turnur is a 0.4 system in region Metropolis, 3 jumps from high. Sevaral years ago I based out of this system. Still have some assets here.

I found a 4/10 plex: Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony. There were two others in local and their names were similar enough to lead me to believe they were the same player. I saw wrecks on directional so he was working the site, but no ships in directional, And then ... he left the system!

I entered the first room in a ship ill-prepared for battle and it was nothing but blue wrecks. He had abandoned all of the wrecks in the first room. So, he looks to be focused only on the overseer with all the goodies. I enter the second room and there were 5 to 6 wrecks, but the overseer was still flying!

I immediately swapped out ships to BC and returned. I scooted though the first room, bookmarking a wreck of course, and into the second. I pop the overseer straight-off and get the goodies, then start popping the rest. The player returned and started to scan again. What?

So I keep popping rats till his probes are within a few AU, then I split. Return a few minutes later to salvage the wrecks after the site despawned.

2.4 milling in bounties. My cargo hold estimated all the salvage to be 7.5 million. And the estimated price of the overseer goodies was 147 million. The big ticket item was a Gistum C-Type 10MN MicroWarpdrive, plus a Gistum C-Type Kinetic Deflection Amplifier, and a Gistum C-Type Thermic Dissapation Amplifier.

Jumps to previous exit in system Pserz: 40

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pserz (region Aridia)

Zoar and Sons Factory at Planet VI
Pserz is a 0.4 system in region Aridia, 15 jumps from high sec! With a couple of closer high sec pockets. It is off a pipe to null sec. Some traffic, but not too bad. I scanned 4 systems and found 2 gas sites, 3 plexes, a radar and a mag. Worked the mag and radar right off. Got a Reactive Armor Hardener Blueprint

I came back later to harvest one of the gas sites, but someone was finishing up right as I was seeing if it was still there. I scanned again and worked a drug site: Blood Raider Chemical Lab. Disappointed in the loot: Eifyr and Co. 'Alchemist' Neurotoxin Recovery NR-1003 x 2, Gas Cloud Harvester I, and Synth Mindflood Booster Reaction

Jumps to previous exit in system Namaili: 33

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Monday, June 4, 2012

Namaili (region Domain)

Imperial Shipment Storage at Planet VII
Namaili is a 0.4 system in region Domain, 2 jumps from high sec, with a secluded 0.5 system one jump away. Namaili is part of a triangle dead-end; two low sec and one high. Let's give these systems a landmark name, eh! I dub thee ... Tres Locos.

I scanned only in Namaili and found 2 other wormholes, which I usually do not mention but both of these got my probes to 0.25 before it would even tell me they were womholes.

Jumps to previous exit in system Basgerin: 20

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Mohas (high sec)

Two Hulks working belt 3 at Planet VIII
Mohas is a 0.7 system in region Derelik. My directional showed 3 Orca's, 4 Hulk's, 4 Covetor's, and 1 Retriever. I was hoping they would all be in the same belt so I could get a pic, but they were spread out. So I settled on this lame shot.