Sunday, April 29, 2012

Aeditide (region Molden Heath)

Concord Bureau at planet V
Aeditide is a 0.2 system in region Molden Heath, it is 6 jumps from high sec, with a few closer pockets. Aeditide is along a pipe to null sec region Great Wildlands.

I scanned three low sec systems and found all of these in system Kadline: 3 gas sites each named Ghost Nebula (Azure Mykoserocin, no harvest), 2 Provisional Angel Outpost, an Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, a radar, and a mag. I worked the radar and mag.

Jumps to previous exit in system Majamar: 20

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Opening up on the tower with Sledgehamer and Shell Game
I login on a Saturday morning to find that someone has planted a small tower in my wormhole. Small? I had last logged in the preceding Wednesday and had left two anoms, there were five that morning, so it is not like it looked abandoned or something. It is a class 1 wormhole; who wants to fight for that? Perhaps, because it is a class one they figure it would be easier to squat.

I took a look at the tower and no defenses. None. There was a hanger and a ship array. We immediately attack with a Naga and Oracle. The shields were at 78% ... and the hanger eventually dropped defenses and a large Amarr tower ... here is what I am thinking. This guy was moving in and got popped. They also worked on the tower but did not destroy. I came along and cleaned up.
The home stretch

Took about 3 hours to get it into reinforce. Then a 3 hour timer in reinforce. Then two more hours and pop.

Got good isk for the large tower, every thing else was meh.

This is second time someone has put up a tower in my wormhole. The first was in December. I had been in empire about a month and the anoms had piled up so I can see how they might have thought they had something.

I popped one of them in an anom. They said it was improperly scouted. They moved out two weeks later.

Majamar (region Derelik)

Cuts The Cheese harvesting Lime Cytoserocin
Majamar is a 0.4 system in region Derelik. It is 2 jumps from high sec. Majamar is just off a pipe that leads to null sec region Curse. It the first of a two system dead-end, with the dead-end system being a 0.5. Neither system has a station, so ain't nobody out here. Of course once I say that then two pilots showed up and scanned but then left shortly.

I scanned in Majamar and the high sec next door, Fera. I found some Lime Cytoserocin, which I did harvest, and one belt (Average Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit)

Jumps to previous exit in system Chameni: 23 (and that is thru null)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chameni (region Khanid)

Four cyno's outside the Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant. Look close and see a Rhea.
Chameni is 0.4 system in region Khanid. It is a lone low sec system that connects to three high sec systems. Two jumps away are two more low sec systems, by themselves. Very active local, but they mostly seemed to be in station. Chemeni is a staging system for capital ships going to/from null sec region Querious. At one point there were four cyno fields at the station.

I scanned and found one radar (which I worked straight off), one hidden belt (Small Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit), and four plexes (Blood Raider Pyschotropics Depot, Blood Raider Outpost, Provisional Blood Outpost, and Dirty Site). I worked the Pychotropics Depot and only got an 18th tier overseer effects, no faction drops.

Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant

Jumps to previous exit in system Renarelle: 28 (and that is thru null)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 1
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kenobanala (region Derelik)

Fort Kumar
Kenobanala is a 0.3 system in region Derelik. It is two jumps from high sec. Kenobanala connects to region Molden Heath, has no stations, two beacons (an agent and a site), and very little traffic.

I scanned and found two gas sites (Lime Mykoserocin, no harvest), and a plex (Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, a good site but you need battleships to tank it and pop the drone mother).

As for the beacons, Fort Kumar has both agents and rats (but no bounties listed). Amarr Military Traning Grounds has 12 cruiser rogue drones. Okay, so I worked the military beacon. Damn rogue drones respawned while I was salvaging. I hate rogue drones. Got some Amarr Training Certification Results, got no idea what they are worth.

Jumps to previous exit in system Renarelle: 24

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 1
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Renarelle (region Placid)

Planet V
Renarelle is 0.3 system in region Placid. It is from 5 jumps from high sec; just two jumps from a high sec pocket called Serpents Tail. Renarelle is part of factional warefare and some sites were triggered, but no real presence, seemingly just through traffic.

I scanned only in Renarelle and found 1 plex (Dirty Site) and a Mag. Worked the mag. Got a couple of T2 prints Small Drone Scope Chip II Blueprint and  Small Semiconductor Memory Cell II Blueprint

Jumps to previous exit in system Adirian: 18

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Friday, April 6, 2012

Adirain (region Essence)

Adirain IV - Moon 2 - Modern Finances Depository
Adirain is 0.4 system in region Essence, just one jump from high sec. Adirain is dog-leg dead-end one jump from Aeschee, which is a low-sec crossroads that used to be fairly busy. On this Saturday afternoon 90 jumps in the past hour.

One jump to high sec means I will see if I can haul in some fuel. Also gonna run a few errands in empire.

Jumps to previous exit in system Espigoure: 16

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 1
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Espogoure (region Placid)

Gate to Vestouve at Planet V
Espogoure is a 0.1 system in region Placid, 8 jumps from high sec. It is a dead-end system off of a low sec pipe to null sec region Syndicate, which is 2 jumps away. I scanned three systems and found only a Sparking Nebula with some Viridian Mykoserocin, which I declined to harvest.

Jumps to previous exit in system Hallanen: 17

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 1
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hallanen (region Black Rise)

Astroid Field 1 at Planet VI
Hallanen is a 0.4 system in region Black Rise, three jumps from high sec. It is part of factional warfare and while no sites were triggered, there was plenty of activity in the system, seeing both core and combat probes. I did not scan.

Jumps to previous exit in system Keri: 23

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Keri (region Genesis)

One jump from Keri, in system Itrin, on the Asanot gate is a wreck.
Keri is a 0.4 system in region Genesis, two jumps from high sec. Keri is a dead-end system, just off a pipe. It is only 7 jumps from my Corp Headquarters. I jumped over and brought back a freighter full up with supplies and parked two jump away in high sec. Then I hauled out my loot and PI advanced items, and hauled in fuel,

In this area of Genesis there are ruins right next to some of the gates. Sometimes it's just a small piece of debris and you sometimes come through a gate right next to it and it keeps you from re-cloaking.

Jumps to previous exit in system Yong: 15

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 4
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1