Friday, July 6, 2012

Crimson and no Four Leaf Clover

Dark side of planet VI
Cabeki is a 0.1 system in region Khanid, 11 jumps from high sec. It is it's own dead-end system in a six system cul-de-sac. I would have liked to have explored all six systems, but not on a work night, and not when I find 9 sigs in Cabeki alone!! 3 Grav, 2 plexes, 3 radar, and 1 mag.

For a 0.1 system the radar and mag sites were disappointing. 9 mill, 3.4 mill, 7.2 mill, and 1 mill. Also got a couple of BPC's.

A buddy and I worked a plex, Crimson Hand Supply Depot. We were unable to finish all 5 rooms, just ran out of time. We were in there for a while, chipping away at the sentinel, and local never changed, us and 1 apparent AFK cloaky. We decided to run just four rooms and the Dark Blood drop in the supply room is considered hit or miss, so we went with the sure thing (oversee effect) in command.

If I were to settle in low sec I might pick a location like this; a bunch of systems not along a pipe, what I like to call cul-de-sac's.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Race for a Mag Site

Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities at planet IX in system Camal
Camal is a 0.2 system in region Derelik, 2 jumps from high sec. It is a dead-end system with a seemingly constant presence. The surrounding low sec appears to regularly scanned. I explored 5 systems, including 1 high sec and found 2 ladar sites, 2 plexes, and 4 mag sites (3 in high sec).

The low sec mag was tough to pinpoint without scan rigs. But I finally got it. Then a -8.7 pirate shows up scanning (I saw him in the previous system). I had a Falcon in the site, cloaked up. I had a Legion in the middle of no-where, waiting. I figured I would let him come into the site, then the Falcon would jam, scram, and web, and I would bring in the Legion and pop him. But he didn't seem to be able to pinpoint it so I worked the site, left, it de-spawned, and he left the system.

One of the ladars was a drug site, PDW-90FX Frentix Distribution. I usually work low sec drug sites with battleships; which, of course, I don't have in my wormhole. I scouted it and there was only one site can. The initial wave was 3 BS, 3 cruisers, 4 frigs, and 2 transports.

I worked the site. The second wave more BS, Cruisers, and frigs. I didn't count. There was a lieutenant guy in a frigate and he had a booster BPC: Synth Frentix Booster Blueprint. Listed in contracts at 10 million. I will not hold my breath on that one. Otherwise, 9.2 million in bounties and 6.7 million in salvage and loot. Kinda bla for the work and risk.

This is the second "bla" drug site I have worked in the past few years and they used to have a much higher payout. I used to find some 3-4 years ago in Caldari low sec.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ofstold (region Metropolis)

Republic Justice Department Law School at moon 15, planet VI
Back in the wormhole for a few days, hauling in some supplies and such. So a regular, nothing special post.

Ofstold is a 0.3 system in region Metropolis, 4 jumps from high sec with a lone high sec in-between. I scanned and found a mag site, being worked by an assult frig. He saw me scanning and was 200KM away when I entered the site. I left it and him. Farily busy in this low sec area.

Jumps to previous exit in system Nandeza: 41  (14 days ago)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 6
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 6
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1