Monday, December 31, 2012

The Expedition! (what a show)

Final escalation site, before boom.
I lived in a wormhole for two years, now I am on a different ride.

Was passing the time doing some high sec exploration in that new Sarum Magnate (yee haa!) and I found a Blood Vigil plex. This was a bit tough due to the fact I was flying a Prophecy and they were using neuts and tracking disrupters. I brought in my other character who was also flying a Prophecy (hey! It is all I had nearby).

As I said, not a bad plex. Fair bounty, and a C-Type energized adaptive nano membrane. And I
got an escalation!!

The first stop in the escalation was pretty tough, too. Least ways flying two Prophecies in the face of swarming tracking disrupters and energy neuts. But I tag teamed those blood rats to death. Stops two and three were easier. All three stops dropped some lame-ass faction laser ammo, which I have been stockpiling over the years but still don't have much more than 3 of any particular kind.

But the only reason to do steps two, three, and four, is to get to the final step of the escalation, which of course is in low sec.
Boom, with that skull nebula looking on.
This time I brought a Drake and Damnation, both passive tanks with heavy missiles, so the over-abundance of neuts and tracking disrupters, combined with scrams and webs, could be overcome. Part-way thru the site a bunch of pirates entered the system, and eventually someone dropped combat probes, so I bailed. Then I eventually logged and did real-life stuff.

I returned the next day, the site started over, but in the end no faction drop! The boss rat wasn't even a Dark Blood, so not even T2 salvage. And the bounties were horrible, too.

But would I do it again? Of course I would.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

MIssions HO!!

I lived in a wormhole for two years, now I am on a different ride.

Agent's Station
I decided to run some level IV missions with Gallente; work on my standings, and you know, just to do something different. I have two accounts, what I call my two "mains." My mains were flying a Hyperion and Abaddon. I ran a total of 12 missions until I got the storyline (It takes a bit more than 12 to get to the storyline, but I had run some months ago.)

I ran missions before and most after the Retribution upgrade. My usual tactic is to have one tanking battleship that I send in first to get all the aggro. With rat AI now switching targets, that caused problems. The Abaddon is set to tank. In one mission the Hyperion had to run, and the Abaddon even got to 50% armor before I could take out enough rat DPS. After that I kitted the Hyperion more, but didn't change the fit.
Mission boom!

I hate losing drones; those dutiful little guys. Managing drones was only a real problem in a few missions. When the rats are picking on my drones I usually just have one character with them launched, so it is easier to keep an eye on them. I let the rat frigs get in close before I sick drones on them, so if I have to recall them they can get back in the bay quickly

Timed activities are from undock to dock, and values are from the cargo hold Priceline negotiator.

Total time in mission was 5.4 hours. Total reward and bounty was 114.5 million. So, 21.2 million ISK per hour.
Total salvage time spent was 2.1 hours. Total salvage value was 74.4 million. So, 35.4 ISK million per hour.
Overall total was 189.9 million over 7.5 hours, at 25.2 million ISK per hour. (plus the benefits of loyalty points)

The Quicker Picker Upper

I salvaged in a Noctis, which is clearly worth the time and effort, although almost half of the salvage ISK was from just two missions: The Mordus Headhunters and The Score.

I mined in two missions. (I need mexallon and nocxium for some manufacturing projects.) I mined pyroxeres and plagioclase in an Orca and Hulk. I mined for a total of 2.4 hours, 48.1 million, so 20 million ISK per hour.

Typically when I mine I do so until I fill the Orca and Hulk and then I go do something else. Just for comparison, I filled up on kernite and a bit 'o pyroxeres from a regular belt. I mined for 1.87 hours, with a yield of 37.1 million, so that is 19.8 million ISK per hour. But wait ....

Mining HO!!

I mined that entire time without activating the Mining Foreman Link for laser duration optimization!! Hate it when that happens. If I had turned the damn thing on then I could have mined the same amount in 77% of the time. That would have been 1.45 hours, so it would have been 25.6 million ISK per hour ...


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Exit Wormhole Left

Was able to dump some assets in the Nurtura Plantation at moon 10 in system Akeva.
Did I tell you I moved out of my wormhole? I moved out of my wormhole. Several months ago. Someone came along and wanted to fight over my class 1 wormhole. Whatever. I had been in there for 2 years. I was looking for a reason to pack up and leave. So, I am out.

Of course they were dicks about it. Why else would they be fighting over a class 1? I was unaware that if a structure is damaged then you cannot take down the POS. They took out the armor on one structure and I ignored it till I had moved out my fighting ships and other assets. Then I got the surprise. I was in no position to repair or blow it up, not without bringing back in ships. So I left my tower there as a monument to my ignorance.

This was actually the third time someone put up an uninvited POS in my wormhole. The first time I popped one of them working an anom, they moved out a week later. The second time I popped a small tower and the hanger dropped a large tower. Score! The third time, however, was the charm.

This has been more of a travel/scrapbook blog, as I covered low security exits. I guess it will now become a more generic EVE blog (if that is possible).

Freighter about to bug out of Akeva.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Crimson and no Four Leaf Clover

Dark side of planet VI
Cabeki is a 0.1 system in region Khanid, 11 jumps from high sec. It is it's own dead-end system in a six system cul-de-sac. I would have liked to have explored all six systems, but not on a work night, and not when I find 9 sigs in Cabeki alone!! 3 Grav, 2 plexes, 3 radar, and 1 mag.

For a 0.1 system the radar and mag sites were disappointing. 9 mill, 3.4 mill, 7.2 mill, and 1 mill. Also got a couple of BPC's.

A buddy and I worked a plex, Crimson Hand Supply Depot. We were unable to finish all 5 rooms, just ran out of time. We were in there for a while, chipping away at the sentinel, and local never changed, us and 1 apparent AFK cloaky. We decided to run just four rooms and the Dark Blood drop in the supply room is considered hit or miss, so we went with the sure thing (oversee effect) in command.

If I were to settle in low sec I might pick a location like this; a bunch of systems not along a pipe, what I like to call cul-de-sac's.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Race for a Mag Site

Ammatar Fleet Testing Facilities at planet IX in system Camal
Camal is a 0.2 system in region Derelik, 2 jumps from high sec. It is a dead-end system with a seemingly constant presence. The surrounding low sec appears to regularly scanned. I explored 5 systems, including 1 high sec and found 2 ladar sites, 2 plexes, and 4 mag sites (3 in high sec).

The low sec mag was tough to pinpoint without scan rigs. But I finally got it. Then a -8.7 pirate shows up scanning (I saw him in the previous system). I had a Falcon in the site, cloaked up. I had a Legion in the middle of no-where, waiting. I figured I would let him come into the site, then the Falcon would jam, scram, and web, and I would bring in the Legion and pop him. But he didn't seem to be able to pinpoint it so I worked the site, left, it de-spawned, and he left the system.

One of the ladars was a drug site, PDW-90FX Frentix Distribution. I usually work low sec drug sites with battleships; which, of course, I don't have in my wormhole. I scouted it and there was only one site can. The initial wave was 3 BS, 3 cruisers, 4 frigs, and 2 transports.

I worked the site. The second wave more BS, Cruisers, and frigs. I didn't count. There was a lieutenant guy in a frigate and he had a booster BPC: Synth Frentix Booster Blueprint. Listed in contracts at 10 million. I will not hold my breath on that one. Otherwise, 9.2 million in bounties and 6.7 million in salvage and loot. Kinda bla for the work and risk.

This is the second "bla" drug site I have worked in the past few years and they used to have a much higher payout. I used to find some 3-4 years ago in Caldari low sec.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ofstold (region Metropolis)

Republic Justice Department Law School at moon 15, planet VI
Back in the wormhole for a few days, hauling in some supplies and such. So a regular, nothing special post.

Ofstold is a 0.3 system in region Metropolis, 4 jumps from high sec with a lone high sec in-between. I scanned and found a mag site, being worked by an assult frig. He saw me scanning and was 200KM away when I entered the site. I left it and him. Farily busy in this low sec area.

Jumps to previous exit in system Nandeza: 41  (14 days ago)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 6
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 6
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Three Times A Lady

Disclaimer: all monetary values are per my cargo hold's Priceline negotiator.

I employed the same exploration run three days in a row, and did so during what could be considered a busy time: Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. In all, my route includes 4 low sec systems and 6 high sec.

A radar site
First up was a 0.5 where I found 2 mag and 1 radar. The first mag yielded 198K, the second mag 367K, and the radar yielded 5.8 million. Many suggest you should ignore high sec mag sites, and with good reason, but mag sites are usually quick to find and so easy to run that I always work them. EVE can be a game of nickels and dimes while working towards larger denominations. It all adds up and I enjoy exploration.

In low sec, all 0.4 systems, I found two radar sites. The first yielded on 693K, the second 10.1 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC.

Back in high sec, a mix of 0.5 and 0.6 systems, I found a radar site that yielded 11.7 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC. Also found a 4/10 plex which dropped 20 million in faction loot, 3 million in bounties, and 5 million in salvage.

Can Opener working a mag site

On day two I worked a low sec mag site for 20.1 million, plus two T2 rig BPC's and 2.7 million in rat salvage. I worked a high sec plex (no DED rating). Lots of rats in lots of waves. 3 million in bounties, but 23.8 million in loot and salvage. Worked a high sec mag for 325K

A word on high sec hidden belts. Very often I find hidden belts that have been cherry picked, and it makes no sense to me. I will find a kernite/omber belt with no kernite remaining. I will find a hemorphite, jaspet, kernite belt with only kernite left. So, kernite is good enough to mine in one belt, but not the other? According to the accepted logic of exploration site spawning, you gotta work a site before it can respawn. These greedy little grubbers can't bother themselves with the lower end ore, so they leave it, and then the belt sits there for three more days. If they just pop the sucker then they are more likely to find it again!

Years old pic of a Retriever
I found an untouched high sec hidden belt with hemorphite, hedbergite, and kernite. I mined for 90 minutes which yielded 39 million. I did something in real life, and returned to find the belt gone, so someone worked it! Good for them. I found a kernite/omber belt with very little kernite left. I popped it. Took 25 minutes and yielded 7.6 million.

On day three I found only a low sec radar site for 9.2 million and a 10-run target breaker BPC. I did find a large hemorphite/jaspet/kernite belt, with only 2 kernite rocks remaining! Grrr. I did not pop this time.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Back to Empire (for my mains, anyway)

Fang flying

Nandeza is a 0.2 system in region Khanid, 9 jumps from high sec in two different directions. It is along a pipe and has a constant presence. For being in the boonies this area seems to have a good population. I scanned 8 systems and found 2 belts, 9 plexes, 1 mag, and 1 radar.

I moving my two mains out of the wormhole for a while. Spending time in empire building some stuff, and pursuing other activities, except this damn system is 30 jumps from anywhere!!

Jumps to previous exit in system Aurohunen: 34

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 6
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Popped and Podded

Zainou Biotech Prodcution at planet III with a customs office just 340km away.
Aurohunen is a 0.4 system in region Lonetrek, 1 jump from high sec. Being just 4 jumps from Jita there was a pretty constant presense in system. PvP and scanning. I did not scan.

I did make several trips to Jita and hauled in ice products for making fuel. The gate was always clear.

On the wormhole side of things I had two exits to Core systems. Normally, I would not work anons under such circumstances, but I felt like it and it was morning, so not as many online. I decided to work 4 anoms. During the fourth I saw a Devotor in d-scan but it was too late, he landed and bubbled up before I could warp out. He was followed by his buddies: 2 Talos, 1 Drake, and 1 Hurricane. My Drake and Harbinger lasted for a bit.

I refused ransom for a quick trip to empire. I was back in my wormhole about 30 minutes later and salvaged all four anoms, plus my two wrekcs, but they took most of my mods.

Jumps to previous exit in system Aldranette: 12

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Lonetrek: 1
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aldranette (region Placid)

Fedmart Warehouse is the spec in the middle, at moon 1, planet IX
Aldranette is a 0.4 system in region Placid, 4 jumps from high sec. This is a crossroads of sorts but not many in local. I made a couple of trips to Jita and all the other low sec systems had many more in local. Although, at one point I saw 2 Comets and a Hookbill on d-scan. Think they were doing factional warefare.

I scanned only in Aldranette and found a gas site; no harvest.

I am almost certain this was the very first system in which I harvested gas. Late 2007 or early 2008. That was before region Black Rise opened up. Once that happened some jump gates were rearranged and changed up my exploration route in this area.

 Fedmart Warehouse at moon 1, planet IX

Jumps to previous exit in system Gallusiene: 11

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 4
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gallusiene (region Placid)

Gate to Avaux at Planet VII
Gallusiene is 0.3 system in region Placid, two jumps high sec. It is adjacent to a 5-system cluster that seems pretty good for some exploring. In my first swing through I scanned three systems and found 4 plexes, 1 belt, 1 gas site, 2 mag, and 1 radar.

I am embarressed to admit that I lost a Pilgrim in the radar site. I was playing around with the fit recently and just put an analyzer and salvager on there and went to work. I noticed the fit sucked for PVE, with my biggest problem being cap. The radar site spawned about 25 frigs and 8 cruisers, and I stayed too long. Boom, baby.
A few hours later I scanned six systems and worked three more radar sites.

Jumps to previous exit in system Turnur: 17

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 3
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 4
Placid: 3
Sinq Laison: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Compete for 4/10 Plex

Republic Security Services Assemby Plant, moon 5, planet II
Turnur is a 0.4 system in region Metropolis, 3 jumps from high. Sevaral years ago I based out of this system. Still have some assets here.

I found a 4/10 plex: Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony. There were two others in local and their names were similar enough to lead me to believe they were the same player. I saw wrecks on directional so he was working the site, but no ships in directional, And then ... he left the system!

I entered the first room in a ship ill-prepared for battle and it was nothing but blue wrecks. He had abandoned all of the wrecks in the first room. So, he looks to be focused only on the overseer with all the goodies. I enter the second room and there were 5 to 6 wrecks, but the overseer was still flying!

I immediately swapped out ships to BC and returned. I scooted though the first room, bookmarking a wreck of course, and into the second. I pop the overseer straight-off and get the goodies, then start popping the rest. The player returned and started to scan again. What?

So I keep popping rats till his probes are within a few AU, then I split. Return a few minutes later to salvage the wrecks after the site despawned.

2.4 milling in bounties. My cargo hold estimated all the salvage to be 7.5 million. And the estimated price of the overseer goodies was 147 million. The big ticket item was a Gistum C-Type 10MN MicroWarpdrive, plus a Gistum C-Type Kinetic Deflection Amplifier, and a Gistum C-Type Thermic Dissapation Amplifier.

Jumps to previous exit in system Pserz: 40

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 5
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pserz (region Aridia)

Zoar and Sons Factory at Planet VI
Pserz is a 0.4 system in region Aridia, 15 jumps from high sec! With a couple of closer high sec pockets. It is off a pipe to null sec. Some traffic, but not too bad. I scanned 4 systems and found 2 gas sites, 3 plexes, a radar and a mag. Worked the mag and radar right off. Got a Reactive Armor Hardener Blueprint

I came back later to harvest one of the gas sites, but someone was finishing up right as I was seeing if it was still there. I scanned again and worked a drug site: Blood Raider Chemical Lab. Disappointed in the loot: Eifyr and Co. 'Alchemist' Neurotoxin Recovery NR-1003 x 2, Gas Cloud Harvester I, and Synth Mindflood Booster Reaction

Jumps to previous exit in system Namaili: 33

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 5
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Monday, June 4, 2012

Namaili (region Domain)

Imperial Shipment Storage at Planet VII
Namaili is a 0.4 system in region Domain, 2 jumps from high sec, with a secluded 0.5 system one jump away. Namaili is part of a triangle dead-end; two low sec and one high. Let's give these systems a landmark name, eh! I dub thee ... Tres Locos.

I scanned only in Namaili and found 2 other wormholes, which I usually do not mention but both of these got my probes to 0.25 before it would even tell me they were womholes.

Jumps to previous exit in system Basgerin: 20

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 3
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Mohas (high sec)

Two Hulks working belt 3 at Planet VIII
Mohas is a 0.7 system in region Derelik. My directional showed 3 Orca's, 4 Hulk's, 4 Covetor's, and 1 Retriever. I was hoping they would all be in the same belt so I could get a pic, but they were spread out. So I settled on this lame shot.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Basgerin (region Sinq Laison)

Federation Customs Testing Facilities, at moon 1, planet V
Basgerin is a 0.4 system in region Sinq Laison, one jump high sec. It is a dead-end system with no adjoining low sec. As such, it has a fairly constant presense in local.

I did not scan, but I did run an errand in empire.

Jumps to previous exit in system Arnstur: 16

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 2
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Sinq Laison 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Arnstur (region Metropolis)

Minmatar Infrastructure Hub
Arnstur! My second repeat exit! Although, admittedly I have not kept on top of possible repeat exits. I may have had others. I need to review my list and make sure I have BM's for all my exits and put them in a folder.

No stations in this system. It has through traffic but no one sticks around. The nearby systems have a mix of high and low volume traffic; more traffic in those systems along the pipe. I scanned three systems. There were other scanners. Found one plex, and worked one radar.

Guess I will have to look at my blog entry from before and make sure I take a totally different screen shot!

Jumps to previous exit in system Ami: 23

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 2
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1
Arnstur 1

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ami (region Kor-Azor)

Emperor Family Bureau, at moon 1. Planet XI in the distance.
Ami is a 0.4 system in region Kor-Azor, one jump from high sec. Kinda a busy little area with its interconnected systems, and due to the fact that system Amarr was only three jumps away. We made several hauling trips and there is a constant pvp/pirate presence.  Even had nice gate camp for a while.

I scanned and found a hidden belt and two drone plexes.

Jumps to previous exit in system Mai: 10

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 2
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 3
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mai (region Domain)

Freedom Extension Warehouse, moon 7, planet IV
Mai is a 0.4 system in region Domain, 1 jump from high sec. If fact, Mai is deadend system; a lone low sec system. As such, it seems to have a constant presense in local, and regularly scanned.

One thing to look for in a low-sec system is who owns the customs offices. In this case the custom offices are not owned by CONCORD, so another indication of system activity. Also is a waypoint for capital ships.
Jumps to previous exit in system Aranir: 21

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 2
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aranir (region Derelik)

Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support, at moon 8, planet VIII
Aranir is a 0.2 system in region Derelik, 5 jumps from high sec. I scanned in Aranir and in the adjacent dead-end system. Found 2 mag, a gas (no harvest), and 4 plexes (2 Sansha Outpost, Minor Sansha Annex, and Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation.

I was scanning in a recon ship, no scan rigs, skills to level 5 (acquisition at 4), and Sister's probes and launcher, and the second mag site I could only get to 80%. Had to get my cov ops with the scan rigs. Loads of standard loot, and 2 Power Circuits. My expectations were higher.

Jumps to previous exit in system Hasateem: 8

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 4
Devoid: 2
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hasateem (region Derelik)

Imperial Amraments Factory over moon 2 at Planet VIII
Hasateem is a 0.4 system in region Derelik, 2 jumps from high sec, but with a dead-end 0.5 next door. Hasateem is just off a pipe that leads to null sec region Providence. I scanned. Found nothing.

Imperial Amraments Factory over Moon 2 at PLanet VIII

Jumps to previous exit in system Sifilar: 12

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 3
Devoid: 2
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sifilar (region Devoid)

Backside of Planet VIII
Sifilar is 0.3 system in region Devoid, 2 jumps from high sec. It is part of factional warfare and seems to see action. I did not scan.

Jumps to previous exit in system Reynire: 22

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 2
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reynire (region Placid)

Core Complexion Inc Warehouse at planet VI
Reynire is a 0.2 system in region Placid, 4 jumps from high sec. It is the first of a two-system dog-leg deadend. There was more than a handful in local, and some were scannng, and so I did not.

Jumps to previous exit in system Arnstur: 22

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Something a Little Different

Pooper Scooper in action
I login to find an Oracle, a Brutix, and 2 Drakes in my wormhole. They came from high sec. Kinda overkill to be working anoms in a class 1. They would collapse the exit to high sec when they left, and I thought about going out and back and making it so a few of them would be stranded. I didn't do this, but in retrospect maybe I should have. I was the only one logged on and I wasn't going to take on 3 or 4 of them. But if 1 or 2 got stranded ...

Only the Brutix seemed to have a salvager. I was able to BM the last anom they worked. They left it and sat with the Brutix while it salvaged another site. I got my destroyer and salvaged most of their wrecks in their last anom. I did get 6 nanoribbons out of it, which is alot for one site. I had to leave three wrecks behind when they showed up, and my alt dropped a bomb to wrecks.

The four BC's left and collapsed the exit to high sec, but not before a week-old noob came through in a Probe and got stuck. I did him a favor and popped his ship and pod, sending him back to empire.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BV-1JG (null sec Venal)

BS rats at a belt near planet III
 This is a red-letter day! I have five wormhole exits, the most I have ever seen at one time. Three are to other w-space systems, one is to low sec, and this one is to null sec; system BV-1JG, a -0.2 system in region Venal. Guristas Pirates have sovereignty over this system, so there wasn't much to see.

Before jumping in I imagined I might cause the alarm bells to sound with whomever lives here. Twas not to be. Although someone did scan it down from the null-sec side, so someone hangs about. BV-1JG only has three belts for its eight planets.

Anstur (region Metropolis)

Natural Phenomena surrounded by Magnetic Double-Capped Bubbles. Angel Battlestation. Coral Rock Formation.
Anstur is 0.1 system in region Metropolis, 2 jumps from high sec. No stations. It is part of factional warfare. One site was triggered. I scanned only in Anstur and found one radar site.

Jumps to previous exit in system Ardhis: 26

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 4
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ardhis (region Kador)

Planet viii
Ardhis is a 0.4 system in region Kador, 2 jumps from high sec. I know this area well. You might say I "grew up" around here. When I first started low sec exploration it was along this pipe from system Menri to system Petidu. My corp HQ is three jumps away.

I scanned six systems and found 1 belt (Small Spodumain, Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit), 4 plexes (Blood Raider Outpost, Dirty Site, and 2 Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hives), and 2 mag. Lots of blueprints today. Large Energy Discharge Elutriation II Blueprint, Large Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II Blueprint, Large Semiconductor Memory Cell II Blueprint, Medium Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint, and Large Memetic Algorithm Bank II Blueprint

If I had two battleships at my HQ I would have worked the two Outgrowth. Check out the new drone bounties and each would be at least 75 million in overseer effects. Alas, I was last running level 4's some distance away, which is where my BS are parked.

Jumps to previous exit in system Jedandan: 10

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Kador: 1
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jedandan (region Kor-Azor)

Pend Insurance Depository, moon 13, planet VI. Arazu sitting outside the station. Lit a cyno and a Rorqual jumped in.
Jedandan is a 0.4 system in Kor-Azor, 3 jumps from high sec. Not much to say, really. One station. Along a short pipe. I did not scan.

Jumps to previous exit in system Klingt: 32

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 2
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Lanngisi (high sec)

Sanctum Pschosis
Lanngisi is 0.5 system in region Metropolis. It is part of an 8 system cluster called Ani, with a single entry point at system Hek (a market center). Lanngisi has two beacons for agents: The Asylum and Sanctum Pschosis.

I did not scan but wish I had time to scan all 8 systems in Ani. But so much time and so little to do ... wait ... strike that, reverse it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Klingt (region Molden Heath)

Radar site Ransacked Angel Abandoned Station
Klingt is a 0.3 system in region Molden Heath, 8 jumps from high sec. There is a lone high sec system 1 jump away. Lots of stations and a beacon for a Ruined Minmatar Outpost.

Ransacked Angel Abandoned Station

I scanned only in Kingt and found 2 mag, 1 radar, 3 gas (no harvest), and 2 plexes (Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, and Ruins). Of course, worked the mag and radar.

Jumps to previous exit in system Aeditide: 2 (2 days ago)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 3
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Aeditide (region Molden Heath)

Concord Bureau at planet V
Aeditide is a 0.2 system in region Molden Heath, it is 6 jumps from high sec, with a few closer pockets. Aeditide is along a pipe to null sec region Great Wildlands.

I scanned three low sec systems and found all of these in system Kadline: 3 gas sites each named Ghost Nebula (Azure Mykoserocin, no harvest), 2 Provisional Angel Outpost, an Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, a radar, and a mag. I worked the radar and mag.

Jumps to previous exit in system Majamar: 20

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Opening up on the tower with Sledgehamer and Shell Game
I login on a Saturday morning to find that someone has planted a small tower in my wormhole. Small? I had last logged in the preceding Wednesday and had left two anoms, there were five that morning, so it is not like it looked abandoned or something. It is a class 1 wormhole; who wants to fight for that? Perhaps, because it is a class one they figure it would be easier to squat.

I took a look at the tower and no defenses. None. There was a hanger and a ship array. We immediately attack with a Naga and Oracle. The shields were at 78% ... and the hanger eventually dropped defenses and a large Amarr tower ... here is what I am thinking. This guy was moving in and got popped. They also worked on the tower but did not destroy. I came along and cleaned up.
The home stretch

Took about 3 hours to get it into reinforce. Then a 3 hour timer in reinforce. Then two more hours and pop.

Got good isk for the large tower, every thing else was meh.

This is second time someone has put up a tower in my wormhole. The first was in December. I had been in empire about a month and the anoms had piled up so I can see how they might have thought they had something.

I popped one of them in an anom. They said it was improperly scouted. They moved out two weeks later.

Majamar (region Derelik)

Cuts The Cheese harvesting Lime Cytoserocin
Majamar is a 0.4 system in region Derelik. It is 2 jumps from high sec. Majamar is just off a pipe that leads to null sec region Curse. It the first of a two system dead-end, with the dead-end system being a 0.5. Neither system has a station, so ain't nobody out here. Of course once I say that then two pilots showed up and scanned but then left shortly.

I scanned in Majamar and the high sec next door, Fera. I found some Lime Cytoserocin, which I did harvest, and one belt (Average Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit)

Jumps to previous exit in system Chameni: 23 (and that is thru null)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chameni (region Khanid)

Four cyno's outside the Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant. Look close and see a Rhea.
Chameni is 0.4 system in region Khanid. It is a lone low sec system that connects to three high sec systems. Two jumps away are two more low sec systems, by themselves. Very active local, but they mostly seemed to be in station. Chemeni is a staging system for capital ships going to/from null sec region Querious. At one point there were four cyno fields at the station.

I scanned and found one radar (which I worked straight off), one hidden belt (Small Dark Ochre and Gneiss Deposit), and four plexes (Blood Raider Pyschotropics Depot, Blood Raider Outpost, Provisional Blood Outpost, and Dirty Site). I worked the Pychotropics Depot and only got an 18th tier overseer effects, no faction drops.

Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant

Jumps to previous exit in system Renarelle: 28 (and that is thru null)

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 1
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 5
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kenobanala (region Derelik)

Fort Kumar
Kenobanala is a 0.3 system in region Derelik. It is two jumps from high sec. Kenobanala connects to region Molden Heath, has no stations, two beacons (an agent and a site), and very little traffic.

I scanned and found two gas sites (Lime Mykoserocin, no harvest), and a plex (Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive, a good site but you need battleships to tank it and pop the drone mother).

As for the beacons, Fort Kumar has both agents and rats (but no bounties listed). Amarr Military Traning Grounds has 12 cruiser rogue drones. Okay, so I worked the military beacon. Damn rogue drones respawned while I was salvaging. I hate rogue drones. Got some Amarr Training Certification Results, got no idea what they are worth.

Jumps to previous exit in system Renarelle: 24

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Derelik: 1
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Renarelle (region Placid)

Planet V
Renarelle is 0.3 system in region Placid. It is from 5 jumps from high sec; just two jumps from a high sec pocket called Serpents Tail. Renarelle is part of factional warefare and some sites were triggered, but no real presence, seemingly just through traffic.

I scanned only in Renarelle and found 1 plex (Dirty Site) and a Mag. Worked the mag. Got a couple of T2 prints Small Drone Scope Chip II Blueprint and  Small Semiconductor Memory Cell II Blueprint

Jumps to previous exit in system Adirian: 18

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Friday, April 6, 2012

Adirain (region Essence)

Adirain IV - Moon 2 - Modern Finances Depository
Adirain is 0.4 system in region Essence, just one jump from high sec. Adirain is dog-leg dead-end one jump from Aeschee, which is a low-sec crossroads that used to be fairly busy. On this Saturday afternoon 90 jumps in the past hour.

One jump to high sec means I will see if I can haul in some fuel. Also gonna run a few errands in empire.

Jumps to previous exit in system Espigoure: 16

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Essence: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 1
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Espogoure (region Placid)

Gate to Vestouve at Planet V
Espogoure is a 0.1 system in region Placid, 8 jumps from high sec. It is a dead-end system off of a low sec pipe to null sec region Syndicate, which is 2 jumps away. I scanned three systems and found only a Sparking Nebula with some Viridian Mykoserocin, which I declined to harvest.

Jumps to previous exit in system Hallanen: 17

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Placid: 1
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hallanen (region Black Rise)

Astroid Field 1 at Planet VI
Hallanen is a 0.4 system in region Black Rise, three jumps from high sec. It is part of factional warfare and while no sites were triggered, there was plenty of activity in the system, seeing both core and combat probes. I did not scan.

Jumps to previous exit in system Keri: 23

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 5
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Keri (region Genesis)

One jump from Keri, in system Itrin, on the Asanot gate is a wreck.
Keri is a 0.4 system in region Genesis, two jumps from high sec. Keri is a dead-end system, just off a pipe. It is only 7 jumps from my Corp Headquarters. I jumped over and brought back a freighter full up with supplies and parked two jump away in high sec. Then I hauled out my loot and PI advanced items, and hauled in fuel,

In this area of Genesis there are ruins right next to some of the gates. Sometimes it's just a small piece of debris and you sometimes come through a gate right next to it and it keeps you from re-cloaking.

Jumps to previous exit in system Yong: 15

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 4
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 2
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yong (region Tash-Murkon)

Civic Court Accounting at moon 6, planet VII
Yong is a 0.3 system in region Tash-Murkon, just one jump from high sec. My freighter is too far away otherwise I would stage lots of fuel and haul it in. I need to fill my freighter and park it in a more central location.

Yong borders region Doman, and it is along a short pipe between the two regions. Some thru traffic. A noob was scanning while I was there.

Jumps to previous exit in system Hakisalki: 25

Low Sec Exit Count by Region:
Aridia: 4
Black Rise: 4
The Bleak Lands: 1
The Citadel: 2
Devoid: 1
Domain: 1
Everyshore: 2
Genesis: 1
Khanid: 4
Kor-Azor: 1
Metropolis: 3
Molden Heath: 2
Solitude: 2
Tash-Murkon: 1
Verge Vendor: 1

Repeat Exits
Zephan 1