Sunday, June 24, 2012

Three Times A Lady

Disclaimer: all monetary values are per my cargo hold's Priceline negotiator.

I employed the same exploration run three days in a row, and did so during what could be considered a busy time: Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. In all, my route includes 4 low sec systems and 6 high sec.

A radar site
First up was a 0.5 where I found 2 mag and 1 radar. The first mag yielded 198K, the second mag 367K, and the radar yielded 5.8 million. Many suggest you should ignore high sec mag sites, and with good reason, but mag sites are usually quick to find and so easy to run that I always work them. EVE can be a game of nickels and dimes while working towards larger denominations. It all adds up and I enjoy exploration.

In low sec, all 0.4 systems, I found two radar sites. The first yielded on 693K, the second 10.1 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC.

Back in high sec, a mix of 0.5 and 0.6 systems, I found a radar site that yielded 11.7 million plus a 3-run shield booster BPC. Also found a 4/10 plex which dropped 20 million in faction loot, 3 million in bounties, and 5 million in salvage.

Can Opener working a mag site

On day two I worked a low sec mag site for 20.1 million, plus two T2 rig BPC's and 2.7 million in rat salvage. I worked a high sec plex (no DED rating). Lots of rats in lots of waves. 3 million in bounties, but 23.8 million in loot and salvage. Worked a high sec mag for 325K

A word on high sec hidden belts. Very often I find hidden belts that have been cherry picked, and it makes no sense to me. I will find a kernite/omber belt with no kernite remaining. I will find a hemorphite, jaspet, kernite belt with only kernite left. So, kernite is good enough to mine in one belt, but not the other? According to the accepted logic of exploration site spawning, you gotta work a site before it can respawn. These greedy little grubbers can't bother themselves with the lower end ore, so they leave it, and then the belt sits there for three more days. If they just pop the sucker then they are more likely to find it again!

Years old pic of a Retriever
I found an untouched high sec hidden belt with hemorphite, hedbergite, and kernite. I mined for 90 minutes which yielded 39 million. I did something in real life, and returned to find the belt gone, so someone worked it! Good for them. I found a kernite/omber belt with very little kernite left. I popped it. Took 25 minutes and yielded 7.6 million.

On day three I found only a low sec radar site for 9.2 million and a 10-run target breaker BPC. I did find a large hemorphite/jaspet/kernite belt, with only 2 kernite rocks remaining! Grrr. I did not pop this time.

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